Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dear journal,

The war is getting bloodier and bloodier each day, it’s not just guns that were using now where you kill one person at a time. It takes skills to shoot rifles also, because you have to be able to aim at your enemies heart from far distances. If we don’t use guns we do hand to hand combat in no mans land. I prefer using guns over hand to hand combat,because its not as personal. When your in hand to hand combat with someone you actually have to see them suffer, which is hard to take. Although i am becoming numb to the sadness of death because I see it everyday its a harsh reality for us soldiers. Its just expected to see dead bodies all around you. The red cross is trying to change some things about the war though which i'm very happy about. One of the weapons tat were using isn’t very humane according to them. Chemical weapons which we just started using outrages the red cross,because you kill mass amounts of people very painfully. They don’t believe its humane to kill people in that way. I’m hoping that the red cross will be able to outlaw the gases. They are doing so much for us, and when i get hope im going to thank all the volunteers who came to help during the war.

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